Andrew Hrsto’s team at ALAND donates new and improved equipment to St Marys Public School

As part of its commitment to the community, leading developer ALAND donated its time and resources to help redevelop St Marys Public School.

ALAND partnered with St Marys Public School to replace and improve school equipment and facilities, with staff participating in the local school’s working bee on Saturday 18 February.

The partnership was formed as part of ALAND’s Community Initiative, which sees employees volunteer their time and skills to give back to the local community where they operate and develop.

By partnering with the parents of the school and the community, ALAND was able to provide and install basketball equipment, resurface the basketball courts, refurbish the sandpits in the playground, and will install new shade structures in the coming weeks.

ALAND Founder and Director Andrew Hrsto praises his team for taking part in the working bee and believes that contributing to the community is an essential part of what they do.

“We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to volunteer and make some improvements to St Marys Public School,” says Mr. Hrsto.

“We believe that our role as a developer goes beyond building and construction. We are committed to creating sustainable and thriving communities where people can live, work and play.”

“By contributing to the working bee at St Marys Public School, we are investing in the future of the St Marys community.”

George Tadrosse, ALAND’s CEO, who also got his hands dirty on the day, says the working bee was particularly important as ALAND is currently building a residential development on a neighbouring site at 12 Carson Lane in St Marys.

“We have been pushing ahead with construction at Carson on the Park, and the working bee was a great opportunity to meet our neighbours, inform them of our progress, and contribute to the school,” says Mr Tadrosse.

“We have seen huge demand for our project, with over 80% now sold to keen first home buyers and investors. Carson on the Park is the first major project of its kind and calibre for St Marys and we believe it will be a great addition to the growing community.”

St Marys Public School Principal Robert Linas said the community working bee was a great success and commended ALAND’s contribution.

“We are very appreciative of ALAND for investing its time and resources to improve our school. These improvements will provide significant benefits to the students,” says Mr Linas.

As part of the community working bee, the team revived the school garden, revamped the sandpit and completed the ‘garden-to-plate’ area. For more information on Carson on the Park, visit