Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper

The NSW Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper assists eligible single parents, older single people, and key workers:


The NSW Government will pay up to 40% of the purchase price of an eligible property, retaining it as equity for as long as you are eligible for Shared Equity or until you sell the property.

Participants must buy a home in NSW. The maximum property price you can purchase up to is determined by the home’s location: $950,000 in Sydney and major regional centres.

Eligible applicants include single parents with at least one dependent child, single people aged 50 years and over, and first-home buyers who are employed as key workers.

Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper

Applicant Eligibility

  • must be at least 18 years of age
  • Australian or New Zealand citizens, or permanent Australian residents
  • applicants must demonstrate their ability to save over time and have a minimum deposit of 2% of the total price
  • at least one of the purchasers must be ready to occupy the property as their principal place of residence
  • applicants must not currently own any land or property
  • must not be able to service the mortgage without the government contribution
  • must not earn more than $93,200 (singles) and $124,200 (couples).

ALAND Product

Our sales team will be delighted to help you with any questions you may have about this government program. Please contact us on 1800 025 263 or fill out your details below.

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